[xep-announce] XEP 4.18 released.

From: Michael Sulyaev <msulyaev@renderx.com>
Date: Tue May 04 2010 - 16:23:00 PDT

Dear list subscribers,

We have missed to announce a number of releases of XEP, an XSL FO
rendering engine by RenderX, and accompanying tools. However, we have
made a good progress and I believe most of you will find something
interesting in the list of new (since the last announcement) features
and improvements, summarized and sorted in the list that follows.

The most recent version is XEP 4.18 and XEPWin 2.2, both built 20100322.

- PDF Forms: a new extension to create interactive PDF documents;
- PPML, XPS, HTML, SVG output generators;
- XEPOUT files are supported as vector graphics files;
- SVG patterns and gradients are supported.

PDF generator features:
- support for various multimedia objects;
- JavaScript library and hooks for PDF form fields, pages and document;
- opacity in SVG and alpha channel in PNG images;
- initial layout: single-page, continuous, etc.;
- viewer preferences: hiding toolbar, menubar, scrollers; fit window,
   center window, window title;
- switching between real/logical page numbers;
- custom meta-fields for document properties;
- embedding PDF 1.5 documents with "xref streams".

Postscript generator features:
- IMAGE_INLINE_THRESHOLD option controls placement of
   images inside PostScript document;
- new PIs: xep-postscript-page-label and xep-postscript-custom-comment;

Core features:
- IMAGE_MEMOIZE_THRESHOLD protects against memory leaks on SVG images;
- fo:page-sequence/@force-page-count="xN";
- arbitrary PIs in flows appear in roughly the same places in XEPOUT;
- 'Transpromo' extension;
- 'Watermark' extension: fo:simple-page-master/@rx:watermark;
- 'Multicolumn footnotes' extension: @footnote-column-count and
   @footnote-column-gap on fo:region-body;
- 'Unique footnotes' extension;

... and many many other improvements, and countless bug fixes. Read on
in doc/WhatsNew.txt

As usual the software is available for download from the RenderX website
at http://www.renderx.com/download/updates.html for support customers,
and you can always get a new Trial or Personal edition license key from

Best regards,
  Michael Sulyaev
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Received on Tue May 4 16:39:49 2010

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