Re: [xep-support] 1. unicode characters (eg arrow up) 2. line-height

From: W. Eliot Kimber (
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 15:41:43 PST

  • Next message: Paul A. Hoadley: "Re: [xep-support] 1. unicode characters (eg arrow up) 2. line-height"

    Tobias Reif wrote:

    > I'd be happy if XEP would automatically find these fonts/glyphs, just as
    > the browsers do.

    While some FO implementations have built-in fallback font strategies,
    the most correct FO markup requires that you provide a list of fonts
    that the FO processor can step through, e.g.:

    <fo:root font-family="Times, serif, symbol">

    Or some such.

    > 2. line height
    > When there is superscript stuff, eg for footnotes, I get uneven line
    > heights:
    > Is this an issue of XEP or should it be resolved by changing the FO
    > generation?

    I think this is an FO problem--the height of the superscript is heigher
    than the normal line height, but I suspect that the FO spec allows
    renderers to recover from this problem in different ways. Both XEP and
    XSL Formatter recover by increasing the line height, rather than
    allowing the raised glyphs to overprint on the line above.



    W. Eliot Kimber,
    Consultant, ISOGEN International
    1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
    Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139
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