[xep-support] Superscripts cause list item label to be raised above list item body baseline

From: Jim Melton (jim.melton@acm.org)
Date: Fri Mar 14 2003 - 15:00:01 PST

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] Superscripts cause list item label to be raised above list"

    I have encountered a very strange problem when rendering XSL FO to PDF
    using RenderX XEP 3.2.2 (and some earlier versions, as well). The
    situation is easy enough to describe:

    I am writing a large standards document using XML. In that document, I
    have a rule (a list element) whose text contains a superscript. Here's an
    abstract of that XML:
    <item>If <emph>MAX</emph> is equal to 2<super>63</super>-1
    (9,223,372,036,854,775,807) and <emph>MIN</emph> is equal to
    -2<super>63</super> (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808), then <emph>REST</emph> is:

    When that XML is transformed by my XSLT stylesheet into XSL FO, it looks
    like this:
    <fo:list-block provisional-label-separation="3pt"
    space-before.optimum="6pt" provisional-distance-between-starts="18pt">

    <fo:list-item id="'generate_id()'" space-before.optimum="8pt"
    <fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
    <fo:block text-align="start">1)</fo:block>
    <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()">
    <fo:block>If <fo:inline font-style="italic">MAX</fo:inline> is equal to
    2<fo:inline baseline-shift="super" font-size="smaller">63</fo:inline>-1
    (9,223,372,036,854,775,807) and <fo:inline
    font-style="italic">MIN</fo:inline> is equal to
    -2<fo:inline baseline-shift="super" font-size="smaller">63</fo:inline>
    (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808), then <fo:inline

    I have attached a larger abstract from the XSL FO to this message, although
    I doubt that additional value will be gained from examining that larger

    The result of rendering the XSL FO into PDF is a list element in which the
    list item label (in this case, "1)") to be raised above the baseline of the
    list item body's baseline...in fact, it is raised to the baseline of the
    superscripts on the first line of the list item body!

    This is demonstrated in the 1-page PDF file that I attached to this message.

    Is there something wrong with my XSL FO, or is this a bug (possibly already
    reported?) in XEP?


    Jim Melton --- Editor of ISO/IEC 9075-* (SQL) Phone: +1.801.942.0144
    Oracle Corporation Oracle Email: mailto:jim.melton@oracle.com
    1930 Viscounti Drive Standards email: mailto:jim.melton@acm.org
    Sandy, UT 84093-1063 Personal email: mailto:jim@melton.name
    USA Fax : +1.801.942.3345
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