RE: [xep-support] Out of memory error

From: Jeff Beal (
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 10:32:58 PST

  • Next message: Lori Wong: "RE: [xep-support] Out of memory error"

    The Java Runtime Environment has an internal limit on how much memory it
    will attempt to take from your OS. You need to edit the shell script or
    batch file that came with XEP to increase this limit. For JRE's from Sun,
    you set it using the -Xmx flag after the call to Java. In my "run.bat"
    file, I added -Xmx1000000000 (the number is the maximum size in bytes)
    immediately following the java.exe. XEP doesn't actually need this much
    memory, even for processing 26MB FO files, but the JRE still only takes the
    memory it needs.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Lori Wong []
    Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:41 AM
    Subject: [xep-support] Out of memory error

    I am attempting to render a fairly large document (on the order of 1Mb)
    into PDF and am getting an error message from XEP (or perhaps java):
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
            <<no stack trace available>>

    Is this due to the large file size? I processed a document about half that
    size and it rendered fine. BTW, this is the largest file I've attempted to

    - Lori

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