[xep-support] value of rx:meta-field

From: Régine Leurquin (Regine_Leurquin@belgocontrol.be)
Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 04:55:45 PDT

  • Next message: Nikolai Grigoriev: "Re: [xep-support] value of rx:meta-field"


    In order to have a generic xslt, I would like to fill in the attribute"
    value" in the following fileds by the content of the some
    elements/attributs of my xml file

      <rx:meta-field name="author" value="...."/>
      <rx:meta-field name="title" value="..."/>
      <rx:meta-field name="subject" value="...."/>
          <rx:meta-field name="keywords" value="...."/>

    Is there a way to do that or does the attribute "value" have always a
    fixed content?


    Régine Leurquin

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