[xep-support] Automatic resizing of big graphic

From: Marc (marc.liste@free.fr)
Date: Fri Jun 27 2003 - 02:42:02 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] Automatic resizing of big graphic"


    I have a problem with graphic resizing.
    In the same XML file I have small graphic and grphic too big to be on
    the page.
    The size can't be given by the author, because he doesn't know the
    format of the PDF and the same XML is used for HTML.
    I don't know how to automaticly conserve the size of the small graphic
    and to force the size of the big graphic to the maximum, if I don't
    give with to the 'fo:external-graphic' I have an XEP error as the
    object can be in the margins.

    I don't find any information about that in the documentation (XEP or

    Thank for an idea


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