[xep-support] keep-with-next for fo:wrapper?

From: Ronald Hayden (rhayden@apple.com)
Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 13:30:40 PDT

  • Next message: G. Ken Holman: "Re: [xep-support] keep-with-next for fo:wrapper?"

    For reasons too arcane to get into, in our system for purposes of
    linking we tend to have to put the id for an element in a fo:wrapper
    that precedes the element, like so:

    <fo:wrapper id="my_element_id"/>
    <fo:block>The actual element.</fo:block>

    This approach solves many problems for us...but it presents a new
    problem: If the text being rendered in the fo:block in this case
    causes a page break to occur, the block gets separated from the
    associated wrapper, which causes links to jump people to the "wrong"
    page, and for page numbers in cross-references to be off-by-one. This
    occurs more often than you might think.

    I'd like to ensure that the wrapper stays with the block...I tried:

    <fo:wrapper id="my_element_id" keep-with-next.within-page="always" />

    But it doesn't appear to work.

    Any suggestions for how I can keep these two elements together?

      -- Ron

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