[xep-support] Creating "section headers" that repeat after page breaks

From: Timothy Dean (tim.dean@guidant.com)
Date: Sun Dec 07 2003 - 11:40:34 PST

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] Creating "section headers" that repeat after page breaks"

    I am trying to use XEP to generate a report that is broken into a series of
    report sections. Each section needs to have a section header that is
    re-printed at the start of a new page if the section spans across page

    I'm assuming that I can do this using a table that has a single wide column,
    placing my section header content within the <fo:table-header> element. I'm
    trying to figure out if it is possible to also have specialized section
    header content when a header is reprinted on a new page. For example, I'd
    like to have a section header that says something like "Section 1" when it
    is first printed, and "Section 1, continued" on the subsequent page.

    Any recommendations on how I can accomplish this effect?


    - Tim

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