[xep-support] Font configuration feature request

From: Werner Donné (werner.donne@re.be)
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 03:33:31 PDT

  • Next message: Krishnan, Navaneetha: "RE: [xep-support] Streaming in memory SVG files."


    I think it should be possible to configure an alias name that maps
    to a list of fonts, just like the value of the font-family property.
    This would make it possible to also use symbolic names, such as
    "serif", "sans-serif", etc., for PostScript fonts. You always need
    several font files if you want to cover a reasonable portion of

    Now, all those fonts must be listed in a font-family property of the
    document instance. This creates a tie between the document instances
    and the font configuration, while the latter should be able to evolve
    without affecting the application that produces the XSL-FO instances.

    It is possible to do this by letting the font attribute of the alias
    element have a list such as for the font-family property. XEP can
    easily expand it to one list before creating its font data structure.
    By the way, I didn't find anything about alias elements that reside
    directly under the fonts document element in section 5 of the userguide.

    Another option is to allow that several font elements have an alias
    element with the same name.



    Werner Donné  --  Re BVBA
    Engelbeekstraat 8
    B-3300 Tienen
    tel: (+32) 486 425803	e-mail: werner.donne@re.be
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