Re[2]: [xep-support] XEP processing instruction bug?

From: Alexander Peshkov <>
Date: Wed Jun 15 2005 - 07:13:22 PDT

Hello Geoff,

Does it work if you exclude your post-processing code (set
pageAreaHandler to null)? Post-processing could be the source of the
problem, because PI consumed by backends and your XEPContentHandler
may fail to translate PI to the actual backend.
Which version of XEP you are using?

Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov

GL> No, I am passing the DOMSource directly to render. Here is the relevant
GL> code:

GL> DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc.getDocumentElement(), sysId);
GL> FOTarget target = new FOTarget(stream, format);
GL> XEPLogger logger = new XEPLogger();
GL> if (pageAreaHandler == null) {
GL> xep.render(source, target, logger);
GL> } else {
GL> ContentHandler generator = xep.createGenerator(target, logger);
GL> XEPContentHandler myGenerator =
GL> new XEPContentHandler(generator, pageAreaHandler);
GL> xep.render(source, myGenerator, logger);
GL> }

GL> and here is a sample input document:

GL> <?xml version="1.0"?>
GL> <?xep-pdf-initial-zoom fit?>
GL> <?xep-pdf-crop-offset 72pt 72pt 72pt 72pt?>
GL> <?xep-pdf-bleed 24pt 24pt 24pt 24pt?>
GL> <?xep-pdf-crop-mark-width 1pt?>
GL> <fo:root xmlns:fo=""
GL> xmlns:rx=""
GL> id="root">
GL> <rx:meta-info id="meta-info">
GL> <rx:meta-field id="meta1" name="title" value="This is a test"/>
GL> <rx:meta-field id="meta2" name="author" value="John Doe"/>
GL> </rx:meta-info>
GL> <fo:layout-master-set id="layout">
GL> <fo:simple-page-master id="simple" master-name="only"
GL> page-width="595pt" page-height="842pt">
GL> <fo:region-body id="body"
GL> background-color="rgb-icc(255, 255, 255, #SpotColor,'PANTONE
GL> 229 C',1)"
GL> column-count="2" column-gap="0.5in" margin="1in"/>
GL> </fo:simple-page-master>
GL> </fo:layout-master-set>
GL> <fo:page-sequence id="pages" master-reference="only">
GL> <fo:flow id="flow" flow-name="xsl-region-body">
GL> <fo:block-container id="block1" position="absolute"
GL> left="-34pt" top="34pt" width="527pt" height="100pt"
GL> background-color="rgb-icc(255, 255, 255, #SpotColor,'PANTONE 540
GL> C',1)"
GL> display-align="before">
GL> <fo:block-container id="block2" position="absolute" top="30pt">
GL> <fo:block id="block3"
GL> font-family="Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF" text-align="left"
GL> font-size="30pt" line-height="30pt">
GL> Why don't you take this nice car for a drive and then buy
GL> it. Please. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
GL> </fo:block>
GL> </fo:block-container>
GL> </fo:block-container>
GL> <fo:block-container id="block4" position="absolute"
GL> left="34pt" top="100pt" width="527pt" height="774pt"
GL> display-align="before">
GL> <fo:block-container id="block5" position="absolute" top="30pt">
GL> <fo:block id="block6" font-family="Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF"
GL> text-align="justify" font-size="24pt" line-height="72pt"
GL> hyphenate="true">
GL> Lorem ipsum ades dolor sit consec atetuer adipiscing elit, sed
GL> diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
GL> aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
GL> exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea
GL> commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in
GL> vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu
GL> feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio
GL> dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum enim ad minim veniam, quis
GL> nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl utzzril
GL> delenit.
GL> </fo:block>
GL> </fo:block-container>
GL> </fo:block-container>
GL> <fo:block-container id="block7" position="absolute"
GL> left="34pt" top="34pt" width="527pt" height="774pt"
GL> display-align="after"/>
GL> </fo:flow>
GL> </fo:page-sequence>
GL> </fo:root>

GL> Thanks,
GL> Geoff

GL> On 15 Jun 2005, at 13:02, Alexander Peshkov wrote:

>> Hello Geoff,
>> Processing instructions works fine in XEP then DOMSource is passed to
>> the render method - I've just rechecked it. So it looks like a problem
>> with your code. Note that if you feed your DOM object to XSLT
>> transformer (not to the 'render' method of Formatter, but to
>> 'transform'
>> method of FOTransformer) when PIs will be consumed by XSLT engine, not
>> XEP.
>> Still if you post here a relevant code snippet of your Java source and
>> input document itself someone may came up with a good suggestion.
>> Best regards,
>> Alexander Peshkov
>> RenderX
>> GL> We have a document in which we use XEP processing instructions to
>> GL> specify bleed values and crop marks. When we feed it to XEP on the
>> GL> command line (OS X), everything works fine. But when our Java
>> GL> application feeds it to XEP programatically as a DOMSource, the
>> GL> processing instructions are ignored.
>> GL> Just before rendering the document, I traverse the DOM to verify
>> that
>> GL> the processing instructions are there, so I am certain they are.
>> GL> Is it possible that XEP ignores processing instructions when
>> render()
>> GL> is passed a DOMSource? If not, is there something we might be
>> doing
>> GL> wrong?

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