Re: [xep-support] Support for Auto Table Formatting Styles?

From: Armen Martirosyan <>
Date: Mon Sep 12 2005 - 07:50:02 PDT

Andrew Sharpe wrote:

>I can't find the version number but it's the one from
>the February 2005 MSDN article. I've attached it. If
>there is a newer version please let me know where I
>can find it.
Actually, there is a new version of stylesheets integrated in our XEPWIN
product, trial
version of which is available from RenderX site.
The new version is enhanced substantially. Unfortunately, auto-formatted
tables are not supported for now even in the new version (though, when
applying new version,
vertical lines of table grid appear, but the styling of cells is still
incomplete). I can't suggest simple
workaround: the source code should be changed. It'll be implemented in
the next version
of the stylesheets.

Best regards,
Armen Martirosyan

>Also attached is an example WORDML file to try.
>You'll notice that after the transformation, the
>background colours do not come through for the first
>table (uses table-auto format) but they do come
>through for the second (manual format). I can provide
>step by step instructions for creating the WordML file
>if you still need more information.
>Thanks for looking into this,
>Moncton, NB
>--- Armen Martirosyan <> wrote:
>>Andrew Sharpe wrote:
>>>Hi all. I am using RenderX's very excellent
>>>word2fo.xsl stylesheet to transform a WORDML file
>>>XSL-FO. However I've noticed that if my document
>>>contains a table that uses a table format ("Table",
>>>"Table AutoFormat"), the formatting (cell shading,
>>>border type, etc) gets lost in the transformation.
>>>I set the styling manually (not using table
>>>autoformat), it comes through in the transformation
>>>just fine.
>>>Any idea if and when support for Table Styles will
>>>added to word2fo.xsl? In the meantime, any
>>>Andrew Sharpe
>>>Moncton, NB
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>>Hi Andrew,
>>What version of word2fo.xsl are you using?
>>Please provide some example (preferably short) to be
>>able to reproduce
>>the situation on my side.
>>Best regards,
>>Armen Martirosyan
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