[xep-support] Errors in PDF files generated from XEP

From: Broberg, Mats <mabr@flir.se>
Date: Tue Jan 31 2006 - 01:31:29 PST

Dear all,

I ran a PDF analysis tools on a batch of files that were generated using
XEP 3.8.4, 4.3, and 4.4 and the analysis tool typically returns about
400-500 of these errors in each file:

"80410052 A begin text operator is missing"

"80410053 An end text operator is missing"

"80410026 The "Length" attribute of the stream object is wrong"

Why do these errors occur in PDF files generated using XEP?

Best regards,
Mats Broberg
Technical Documentation Manager


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Received on Tue Jan 31 02:01:47 2006

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