[xep-support] PDF/X-3 compliance error

From: Jose Maria Sanchez de Ocana <jsandeo@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Mar 17 2006 - 03:21:34 PST

I need to generate a PDF with a PDF/X-3 compliance level, but I keep getting
this error:

[error] Output color profile must be present in PDF/X-3; PDF/X status
revreted to 'none'.

I have no clue what am I supposed to do to avoid this error. Googled an all,
but nothing.
I tried changing all my color attribute values to the corresponding rgb-icc(X,
X, X, #CMYK, X, X, X, X) form,
but I am still getting the same error.
Help will be appreciated.


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Received on Fri Mar 17 03:52:27 2006

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