[xep-support] table-header for table-body?

From: Janean Angeles <janeana@wirestone.com>
Date: Tue Jun 13 2006 - 10:07:47 PDT

Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has an idea how I might be able to
create a scenario similar to having a table-header for each table-body
within a table. Basically I have a table that contains a table-header
that applies to all rows and then several rows broken up into multiple
sections using table-bodies. Each table-body has an initial row that is
it's header and is formatted differently. This is all working fine.
The piece I'm missing is when the table breaks to the next page I need
the broken table-body's 'header' row to display again just under the
table-header on the page being broken to.


My xml is formatted like this:



                        <column />

                        <column />


            <tableBody section="Section 1">


                                    <column />

                                    <column />



            <tableBody section="Section 2">


                                    <column />

                                    <column />





Any thoughts would be welcome,




Janean Angeles

Wirestone, LLC

858.509.1125 ext. 433

858.509.1126 fax

760.685.0395 cell


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