[xep-support] Calling an action from XSL

From: Sébastien CLERMONT <sclermont@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue Jul 11 2006 - 13:16:40 PDT

Hi everyone. Got support twice on this list. Now I have a third issue to resolve!I am not sure what is possible with XSL, so I will ask my question here. Is that possible to call an action from a XSL? I know that you can call a java class. I already do it and it works fine. Why do I want to call an action? Because this action is already used by our application to display images that are stored in a DB2 database. This action is called from jsp pages and from other places. I know need to call that same action from my XSL.I tried to put it in a <fo:external-graphic .../> object with the src attribute pointing to my action. It did not work.In the XML file I have this object with two attributes which are URLs to my action:<cheque type="CHQ" dateretrait="20050312" dateretour="" datecomptable="a" montant="1500.00" nocheque="11221" noref="01"><recto><![CDATA[http://localhost:7001/module/GetImage.do?dateComptable=20060626&noReference=0002000020&cote=recto]]></recto><verso><![CDATA[http://localhost:7001/module/GetImage.do?dateComptable=20060626&noReference=0002000020&cote=verso]]></verso></cheque>In my XSL, tried to put a external-graphic tag like this:<fo:external-graphic src="url('{@recto}')" scaling="non-uniform" content-width="9.17cm" content-height="4.13cm" border-end-width="6.5mm"/>I thought that the url() function would do the trick. But no image is displaying in the resulting PDF file. Is there any other function I could put in my XSL to correctly call the action and insert the image in the PDF?Thank you.Sebastien Clermont
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Received on Tue Jul 11 13:54:43 2006

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