Re: [xep-support] Event from RenderX

From: G. Ken Holman <>
Date: Mon Mar 26 2007 - 21:40:54 PST

At 2007-03-27 10:21 +0800, JingJun Long wrote:
>I have a requirement like the following:
>I would like to control the generation of header and footer.
>Let's say there is a new page started. Before the engine generate
>header and footer, is there any event from RenderX compose engine
>like "new_page_event".

Where do you want this event to show up? In XSLT?

The XSL formatting model dictates that XSLT transformation be
entirely complete before XSL-FO processing can begin. There is no
feedback loop. For my XSL students who have a background in Frame or
PageMaker or InDesign, they are surprised to hear that the XSL model
is "arms length" in that the XSLT transformation must inject
contingencies into the XSL-FO expression because the XSL-FO engine
has no way of communicating formatting status back to the XSLT process.

 From your brief description I get the impression you are imagining a
feedback loop to your XSLT transform that is occurring during the
XSL-FO layout process.

But perhaps I am misunderstanding the processes you are asking about,
since I am assuming your question is similar to the questions of some
of my students.

>Just like a hook. I can write my own code to handle this event. So
>that I can prepare the data which will appear in header or footer?

The XSL-FO model requires all header and footer content of all pages
to be placed into the XSL-FO instance before the formatting of the
very first page.

>Or do you have other mechanism to handle requirement like this?

Instead of asking your question the way you have, can you describe
what it is you want in your headers and footers? I think you have
presupposed a processing model that doesn't work the way you
imagine. If you describe your requirement as a formatting
requirement (not as a processing requirement) then perhaps someone on
the list can suggest how you can get what you need with the
processing model as it is implemented.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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G. Ken Holman       
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