RE: [xep-support] can the < > symbols be replaced with &lt; and &gt;

From: Michaud, Jean-Francois <>
Date: Thu Nov 08 2007 - 10:50:19 PST

Hehe, yeah, try solving this one in a balanced "node" way. Maybe there
is a balanced way, but this screams non balanced to me because of the
hierarchical break. I will probably eat my socks and retreat in shame. I
certainly hope to learn something ;-). The reverse solution seems
similarly unbalanced as well to me. I can see a potential out through
RTFs but my spidey sense is telling me that it's more complex than the
non balanced way.


Transformed to:


Regards, Jean-Francois Michaud
Applications Analyst

"It's not what you know, and it's not even who you know. It's how much
knowledge you give away. Hoarding knowledge diminishes your power
because it diminishes your presence."

David Weinberger, Everything is Miscellaneous

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Pawson []
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [xep-support] can the < > symbols be replaced with &lt; and

On 14/10/2007, Jerry Janofsky <> wrote:

> No, you are wrong, you said exactly what I wanted to hear, that is,
> after I got passed the momentary feeling of being insulted.

He's not normally grumpy, honest :-)

> I think you gave me the solution by saying, " did you consider the
> cell-based row-grouping strategy instead of the row-based row-grouping

> strategy and just use the starts-row= and ends-row=". I didn't know
> that existed and believe it might be the answer to my problem.

You focussed on the solution to todays problem. The higher level one
that he offered is possibly more important?

I tell my students "if you think you need disable-output-escaping, then
think again because you probably don't and you definitely shouldn't".

XML is balanced. In our years of using XSLT, there is nearly always a
way of using XSLT in a 'balanced' way.

The idea that I found most useful was to stop thinking in 'start' and
markup and start thinking in 'nodes' (which are balanced).
   some content

Even if the 'node' is a table row, a table or even a cell.


Dave Pawson
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