Re: [xep-support] Custom fonts issue with standard font installation

From: G. Ken Holman <>
Date: Fri Feb 27 2009 - 05:19:24 PST

Good morning, Angela!

One of the diagnostic steps I take in this regard is to go in Adobe
Reader or Acrobat to the menu "File / Properties" to bring up the
"Document Properties" dialogue box.

On my installation the third tab is "Fonts".

I've had some surprises (usually related to my stylesheet) finding in
this dialogue a list of fonts I was inadvertently using.

Or if I wasn't using them explicitly, how they'd show up from a
graphic file that I included. If my graphic file is vector/text
based instead of bit image-based, and the graphic makes reference to
fonts that are not referenced in my stylesheet. But in the resulting
PDF the graphic has triggered the need for embedding.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . Ken

At 2009-02-26 20:37 -0700, Williams, Angela wrote:
>Using the basic installation for XEP, I have a document that uses
>Helvetica throughout. I haven't added any customization to the fonts,
>but there is a property on the resulting PDF file that indicates custom
>fonts are embedded. This is causing an issue with a tool that is
>converting the pdf to AFP format.
>Please advise how I can set this property in my transform to not
>indicate custom fonts.

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G. Ken Holman       
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Received on Fri Feb 27 05:41:00 2009

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