[xep-support] PDF Creation Issue - Log Files?

From: Brian Rollins <Brian.Rollins@jeppesen.com>
Date: Mon Jan 04 2010 - 06:21:35 PST

A quick rundown of the issue we're having:

Using XEP on UNIX (Version 4.7 build 20060908). We can create PDFs of most of our books just fine. One in particular, however, is coming up with a PDF with no pages (at least that's what Acrobat says). It's creating a nice big PostScript file, but the PDF is only a few bytes in size. I've tried manually running the PS file through distiller and it throws an undefined error.

Other books, with the same graphics, work just fine, just not this new one with slightly different text. The XML is well-formed and validates against the DTD. I'm guessing something in the XML is giving XEP fits, but I don't know what.

Is there a log file anywhere I can check for an error message?

Sorry for my naïveté, but someone else set this system up and then left the company without any notes or documentation.


Brian Rollins
Web Developer, Training and Documentation
Jeppesen, Inc.<http://www.jeppesen.com/>

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Received on Mon Jan 4 06:53:03 2010

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