[xep-support] rx:flow-section and indents

From: Justin Lipton <justin.lipton@exari.com>
Date: Thu Mar 18 2010 - 20:21:40 PST


I have a column layout issue. I've been using an rx:flow-section to change
mid-page between a 1 and many column layout. This works well and even lines
between columns seem to be working.
Now I have some situations where I need to effectively change the margins of
the column layout with respect to the rest of the page.
I was hoping to set start-indent and end-indent on the rx:flow-section but
that doesn't seem to have any effect at all.
Setting up a wrapper block with the indents e.g.

    <fo:block start-indent="0.5in" end-indent="0.5in">

doesn't work for more than one column because both the left and right indent
are applied to all columns.
Does anyone have a workaround or solution to this problem? Note that I can't
change the margins of the previous flows.


Justin Lipton

Exari Systems
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