[xep-support] Non-breaking hyphen

From: Jan Tošovský <j.tosovsky@gmc.net>
Date: Thu Apr 08 2010 - 08:08:49 PDT

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to generate PDF output with hyphenated commands.
I use the special arrow hyphenating character and I'd like to avoid hyphenation on dashes.
In my XSLT template I translate standard dash U+002D into non-breaking hyphen U+2011. In XSL-FO source I see this character properly encoded into UTF-8 (E28091), but text in the resulted PDF is hyphenated on it and what is surprising I see the hyphen character there, but used font (Courier New) doesn't contain U+2011 character at all. I suspect XEP replaces this character with U+002D character, what would explain this behaviour.

Is there any chance not to hyphen non-breaking hyphen in XEP and use exactly this character in the resulted PDF? I have Courier alternative with this glyph, so only problem now is to handle this glyph properly.

Thanks in advance for any hints.


PS: I've found a bit misleading info in documentation at http://www.renderx.com/files/XEPUserGuide.pdf (Appendix B.1) where it is written that non-breaking
hyphen has Unicode code point U+200C. The correct value is U+2011.
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Received on Thu Apr 8 08:22:11 2010

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