[xep-support] Problem with images embedded in Postscript docs

From: François Yergeau <francois_at_ADDRESS_REMOVED>
Date: Thu Sep 06 2018 - 16:12:42 PDT

Hello all,
We create Postscript and PDF documents from the same FO using XEP (4.21 if that matters, soon to be updated).  Recently we have started embedding images in our docs, and the following problem has shown up: the images show up fine in the PDFs, but are defective in the Postscript versions, created in the same run with the exact same FO.
The images are PNG and JPEG and are embedded using <fo:external-graphic>.  In the XEP-generated Postscript (distilled to PDF for viewing), some images come out as if grossly magnified (enormous pixels) but cropped to their normal sizes. Another one appears almost normal, but somehow blurred as if seen through a mesh.
As an experiment, I loaded a XEP-generated PDF in Acrobat and exported it to Postscript.  Re-distilling that doc to PDF for viewing, the images were all correct!  Obviously the FO has all it takes to generate a correct rendering, but somehow XEP doesn't mange when going direct to Postscript, but does perfectly well to PDF.
Any hint as to what causes that and how to fix it would be very welcome.
-- François Yergeau

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Received on Thu Sep 6 16:12:08 2018

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