FO Features

Tests in this set show the use of various XSL FO objects and properties. These tests may be useful for understanding basics of XSL FO and assessing XSL FO formatter conformance.

All examples have common XML markup, translated into XSL FO via a dedicated XSLT stylesheet macro.xsl. Images referenced from these tests can be downloaded here:

Character Sets — Adobe Standard

Enumerates the glyph repertory of standard PDF Latin fonts (Adobe Extended Roman character set) and lists Unicode values for glyphs therein.

Source XML: adobe-standard.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: adobe-standard.pdf
Text Block Attributes - Alignment

Tests XSL-FO attributes dealing with horizontal text alignment: text-align, text-indent, text-align-last.

Source XML: align.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: align.pdf
Extended Font Attributes - Font Aspect and X-Height Adjustment

Demonstrates aspect-preserving font size adjustment.

Source XML: aspect.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: aspect.pdf
Vertical Alignment Properties - Baseline Shift

Shows how to alter vertical position of inline elements: subscripts/superscripts.

Source XML: baseline-shift.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: baseline-shift.pdf
Block Properties - Background Images (rx-extensions)

Tests RenderX extensions to control background image sizing and scaling. The following attributes are involved: rx:background-content-height, rx:background-content-width, rx:background-scaling.

Source XML: bgimage-sized.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: bgimage-sized.pdf
Block Properties - Background Images

Tests background image placement and tiling.

Source XML: bgimage.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: bgimage.pdf
Basic Font Attributes - Font Weight

Tests different font weights.

Source XML: bold.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: bold.pdf
Block Properties - Borders

Shows border attributes: colors, widths and styles.

Source XML: borders.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: borders.pdf
Basic Formatting Attributes - Color

Tests RGB color treatment and predefined color keywords in various contexts - text, background, and borders.

Source XML: color.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: color.pdf

Tests multi-column pages and reference-orientation on page regions.

Source XML: columns.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: columns.pdf

Tests absolute and relative placement, borders, and reference orientation on <fo:block-container> elements.

Source XML: containers.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: containers.pdf
Basic Font Attributes - Font Decoration

Demonstrates text decoration attributes - underline, overline, and strikethrough.

Source XML: decoration.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: decoration.pdf
Basic Font Attributes - Font Family

Tests standard PDF fonts (Helvetica, Times, Courier, Symbol, ZapfDingbats), extra (embedded) fonts, and generic font families. Also demonstrates usage of multiple fonts in font-family.

Source XML: family.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: family.pdf
Text Block Attributes - First Line Formatting

Tests first-line formatting - <fo:initial-property-set> element.

Source XML: firstline.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: firstline.pdf

Tests processing of footnotes in multi-column layouts.

Source XML: footnotes.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: footnotes.pdf
Conditional Page Master

Demonstrates usage of force-page-count attribute to pad the length of page sequences. Also tests conditional page master references for blank pages.

Source XML: force-page-count.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: force-page-count.pdf
Side Regions - Borders, Background, Reference Orientation

Tests borders and backgrounds on side regions, with special emphasis on reference orientation.

Source XML: headers.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: headers.pdf
Graphics - Inline Images

Tests scaling and vertical positioning on inline images.

Source XML: images-inline.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: images-inline.pdf
Text Block Attributes - Indents

Tests various indentation attributes: start-indent, end-indent, text-indent, and last-line-end-indent.

Source XML: indent.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: indent.pdf
Inlines - Borders, padding, and background

Tests borders and background on <fo:inline> element, including conditional borders/padding.

Source XML: inline-borders.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: inline-borders.pdf
Basic Font Attributes - Font Style

Tests slant variations of fonts: italic, oblique, backslant.

Source XML: italic.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: italic.pdf
Rules & Leaders

Tests several types of <fo:leader> elements: space-filled, dot-filled, rule-filled, patterned.

Source XML: leader.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: leader.pdf
Advanced Inline Attributes - Line Break Control

Tests control over line splitting.

Source XML: linebreak.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: linebreak.pdf
Text Block Attributes - Line Height

Tests line-height attribute.

Source XML: lineheight.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: lineheight.pdf
Lists and Bullets

Tests XSL-FO elements to build various lists.

Source XML: lists.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: lists.pdf

Tests running headers/footers functionality, implemented through <fo:marker>/<fo:retrieve-marker> elements.

Source XML: marker.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: marker.pdf
Repeatible Page Master

Shows the effects of maximum-repeats attribute on <fo:repeatable-page-master-reference> and <fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives> elements.

Source XML: maximum-repeats.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: maximum-repeats.pdf
Block Properties - Padding

Explores padding attributes on blocks. Both split-up and shorthand padding specifiers are tested.

Source XML: padding.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: padding.pdf
Advanced Paragraph Attributes - Page Break Control

Tests page break control via keep-together attribute.

Source XML: pagebreak.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: pagebreak.pdf
Static Content

Tests named regions functionality and fo:static-content elements.

Source XML: pagemaster.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: pagemaster.pdf
Conditional Page Master

Tests processing of complex page sequence masters.

Source XML: pagesequence.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: pagesequence.pdf
Shorthand notation attributes - font

Tests parsing of font shorthand attribute.

Source XML: sh-font.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: sh-font.pdf
Basic Font Attributes - Font Shadow

Tests font shadow effects.

Source XML: shadow.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: shadow.pdf
Side-floats Test

Tests side floats and their interaction, with emphasis on clear and intrusion-displace properties.

Source XML: side-floats.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: side-floats.pdf
Basic Font Attributes - Font Size

Tests different ways to specify font size.

Source XML: size.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: size.pdf
Basic Font Attributes - Smallcaps

Tests smallcaps variant for fonts.

Source XML: smallcaps.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: smallcaps.pdf
Common Margin Properties - Block

Tests block margin properties - space-before and space-after.

Source XML: space-before.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: space-before.pdf
Text Attributes - Character and Word Spacing

Tests inter-word and inter-character spacing - letter-spacing and word-spacing attributes.

Source XML: spacing.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: spacing.pdf
Text Block Attributes - Line Stacking Strategy

Tests different line stacking strategies.

Source XML: stacking.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: stacking.pdf
Basic Font Attributes - Font Stretch

Tests horizontal scaling of text via font-stretch attribute.

Source XML: stretch.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: stretch.pdf
Character Sets — Symbol

Enumerates the glyph repertory of Adobe Symbol font and lists Unicode values for glyphs therein.

Source XML: symbol.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: symbol.pdf
Column specifiers in tables

Contains examples of <fo:table-column> usage.

Source XML: table_columns.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: table_columns.pdf
Tables with headers/footers/multiple bodies

Tests row group elements for tables: fo:table-header, fo:table-footer, and two fo:table-body.

Source XML: table_headers.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: table_headers.pdf
Basic Tables

Tests basic table functionality.

Source XML: table_plain.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: table_plain.pdf
Tables with cells spanning multiple rows/columns

Tests complex table layouts, with cells spanning multiple columns and/or rows.

Source XML: table_spans.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: table_spans.pdf
Text transformations - uppercase, lowercase, capitalized

Shows text case transformations.

Source XML: transform.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: transform.pdf
Character Sets — Zapf Dingbats

Enumerates the glyph repertory of Zapf Dingbats font and lists Unicode values for glyphs therein.

Source XML: zapf-dingbats.xml
Stylesheets needed: macro.xsl
Output: zapf-dingbats.pdf