[xep-support] Keep-together integers

From: Broberg, Mats (mabr@flir.se)
Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 02:23:39 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] Performance"


    When do you think integers for keep-together will be supported in XEP?

    AFAIK, today there is no way at all to make e.g. a screenshot keep
    together with the first few rows in a table that follows the screenshot
    (i.e. a table that e.g. explains all labels and values the screenshot).
    This means that quite a few pages in our manuals end with the screenshot
    at the bottom of the page and the following table at the top of the next
    page. Since we localize the manuals into 15-20 languages, and work with
    conditional formatting, we do not want to insert hard page breaks, which
    in other situations would work as a 'quick-and-dirty' solution.

    These kinds of layouts would look so much better if there would be a way
    to set a high penalty between a screenshot and a table and lower
    penalties before screenshots and after tables.

    keep-together in XSL-FO:


    Mats Broberg
    Technical Documentation Manager

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